Tuesday, February 3, 2009

If your happy and you know it wear a Shirt!

My Stars and Glory!

Something amazing just happened in this country.
Symbols and reality don’t often intersect in this life we lead. When they do you can feel it in your bones. All my life I have heard the claims that we reside in the land of the free, a nation conceived on the ideals that all are equal and equally free to pursue happiness. Inalienable, these rights belong to all people here and all people everywhere. As ideals they have stood for hundreds of year now, a destination we have hoped to attain. Yet truth be told, it has been a complicated journey. And on our path to discovery sometimes the new shore has been in sight and sometimes we have lost our way.

So it is that in some pertinent way this contract we have made with ourselves was in part fulfilled this January 20, 2009. I knew it, America knew it, and the world knew it too. People who had never once flown a flag in their lives lifted them up in joy, for although the words had been prior spoken they now rang more true. We want to be proud and we want the world to be proud of us – in both our personal and public lives. Friends it is time to take back our symbols and make the realities match the dreams.

A shirt can’t make you a better person, but it can remind us all to act as we want to become.
Join me in celebrating a victory of hope over fear, inclusion over exclusion, and the open hand over the closed fist.

All shirts printed on organic off-white American Apparel shirts. Made with Pride by your fellow citizens, who all hope to keep food on the table in 2009.

Please state sizes in Men’s M, L, or XL and Women’s S, M, or L and which design you'd prefer
$20 USD plus shipping